Version 2 of the Integrated Assessment, Planning and Budget process!
“We believe our primary responsibility is to provide the best possible education for today’s world.” (Humboldt Mission and Values)
Student success is our mission. Therefore, how we spend our time and resources must align with this mission. In order to innovate and grow with the needs of our current students, we must identify what is working well and what can be improved. By understanding the efficacy of our investments, we will be able to make adjustments as needed.
The need to improve our strategic budgeting and to fully incorporate assessment in decision making is a cornerstone of our Strategic Plan. Likewise, WSCUC has highlighted the need for significant improvements in these areas as priorities to continue our future accreditation. Campus wide progress is being made on the Graduation Initiative 2025 (GI 2025), Strategic Enrollment Management plan (SEM) and work has begun on integrating assessment, planning and budgeting. We need a disciplined, transparent, and principled strategic budgeting and assessment process to collectively move these plans and initiatives forward. Now is the time for all of campus to make this a priority.
Here is what you can do right now to help:
Learn about your area's assessment and budgeting process. Provide our working group a summary of this approach.
- What is working well? What is not?
- Where do you see room for improvement?
- How is your budgeting and assessment process tied to student success?